This instruction will give you a quick overview of how to create images in Halocline. This will help you to better document your planning and share it with your collaborators.
Create screenshots
You have several options for creating visuals or screenshots:
Creation of screenshots in VR
Creation of screenshots via your VR controllers
Creation of screenshots on the desktop.
Creation of screenshots with the Windows tool.
You can find all screenshots created in Halocline on your computer in your documents folder at:
1. Creation of screenshots in VR
Halocline VR-Menu >Main Menu > Screenshot
You can create screenshots directly in VR with the screenshot tool. To do this, go to the Halocline VR menu and select the Screenshot tool from the main menu. To make the screenshot, point the camera at the desired object and create the image you want. You can find detailed instructions here.
Du kannst mit dem Screenshot-Werkzeug direkt in VR Bildmaterial erstellen. Gehe dazu in das Halocline VR-Menü und wähle im Hauptmenü das Screenshot-Tool aus. Zur Erstellung des Screenshots führe die Kamera auf das gewünschte Objekt und erstelle das gewünschte Bild. Eine genaue Anleitung findest du hier.
2. Creation of screenshots via your VR controllers
To make screenshots via your VR controllers, press the system button and the trigger button on your controller at the same time. You can find detailed instructions here.
3. Creation of screenshots on the desktop
You can also create screenshots on the desktop. Select the camera perspective Free camera in the top left corner of the desktop bar.
Use the following keyboard shortcuts to move around the desktop to your desired object:
- Move: W, A, S, D / arrow keys / camera settings > arrows.
- Zoom: Scroll wheel / Camera settings > Plus & Minus
- Rotate: Right mouse button
- Camera height: Q, E
To take your screenshot, click on the camera icon in the upper left corner.
4. Creation of screenshots with the Windows Tool
Mit dem Windows Snipping-Tool kannst du Screenshots von deinem Startbildschirm erstellen.
Use cases
Documentation of layout & equipment
Images are particularly helpful when the scene is captured from different angles and in varying degrees of detail, depending on the work step. With the camera perspective free camera, for example, you can first give an overview of the shop floor before showing the process in detail in the work area.
For the conversion of work areas and equipment, you can share the dimensions with other departments or colleagues in various ways. Our export functions allow you to output 3D data and 2D sketches. You can read the dimensions directly from the PDF export.
Another way to make it even easier is to place the dimensions directly in VR and create screenshots of them. This way you can clearly display all relevant dimensions. Place the dimensions with the ruler tool and create screenshots from different perspectives. The camera view top view is particularly suitable for dimensioning distances.