On the desktop, different views can be selected to follow the user better in VR, to get a better overview of the planning, or to make video recordings easier.
You can choose between the following views:
VR View,
Spectator mode,
Top view,
Free camera,
Orbit camera.
Use the drop-down menu to select from the different views:
VR View
Here you see 1:1 what the person sees in VR. This view is preset because it has the least impact on the runtime behavior of the application.
Select this view if you are working alone or your computer is heavily loaded and you notice jerking in the other views.
Spectator mode
This displays a smoothed view of the VR user. This means that smaller movements and rotations of the head are filtered out to get a more stable image.
Select this mode when people are watching you on the desktop or for video recordings.
Top view
The top view shows the shopfloor from above. You can change the section with the mouse or the controls in the lower right corner.
Hold down the right mouse button to move the image section. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
Rotate the view using the left and right arrows.
You can adjust the height of the camera if the hall ceiling or columns are in the way by moving the small camera at the bottom right or by entering the desired height in the field.
Choose this view to get an overview or to create screenshots for documentation.
Move: Right mouse button / Camera settings > Arrows
Zoom: Scroll wheel / Camera settings > Plus & Minus
Rotate view: Camera settings > Rotate arrows
Camera height: Camera settings > Input field
Free camera
In this view you can move freely through the shopfloor.
Use the keys "W, A, S, D" or the arrow keys to fly straight, left, right or back. Hold down the right mouse button to rotate. Use "Q" and "E" to move up or down.
Press the "Shift" key while flying to increase the speed and "Ctrl" to fly slower.
The position of the free camera is visualized for the person in VR. By the camera position you can draw attention to something or guide the person to a place.
In VR, you can grab the visualized camera with the trigger and align it for the viewer.
Choose this view if you're working in pairs or to create time-lapse footage.
Move: W, A, S, D / Arrow keys / Camera settings > Arrows.
Zoom: Scroll wheel / Camera settings > Plus & Minus
Rotate: Right mouse button
Camera height: Q, E
Speed: Shift, Strg
Orbit camera
This view is always pointed at the person in VR and automatically teleports with them.
Use the mouse wheel to adjust your distance to the VR user. Hold down the right mouse button to move around the VR user.
Choose this mode to give viewers a better view of your work.
Zoom: Scroll wheel
Rotate: Right mouse button
The dimensions, movement areas and walking paths created in VR are displayed in all views.