This article is based on the sample data of the HaloPlant demo shopfloor. If it is not available to you, you can find the download instructions here: Download sample data
This work area of HaloPlant contains the main route network. Once coordinated, changes to the main routes are comparatively rare. Since it has been stored in a separate work area, it is not subject to unintended changes. A comparable procedure is recommended for columns, walls or technical building equipment.
In focus
Export of work areas
The export allows you to share the created information. Three options are available for this purpose. STEP and PDF are suitable for the following process steps, such as supplier orders. The third option, .haloarea or .halostation, is used for data exchange within the Halocline world.
For floor markings 1 cm high and 5 cm wide boxes are best. For dotted lines, 20 cm long and 20 cm apart are a good start. For more information on the box creation tool, see this article: Create Boxes
Finally you can export the whole work area (or variant) within Halocline Desktop. A more detailed explanation of all functions can be found here: Work areas
Ansicht in Halocline
(Inaktive Bereiche ausgeblendet, Säulen und Wände sind teil der Hallenumgebung)
Export as PDF
Export as STEP